Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Kingdom Upside Down

The kingdom of Jesus Christ is all about others. Jesus said the key to being great in His kingdom, is to become a servant to others. Morgan Cryar http://www.premierrecords.com/ said it well in his song Kingdom Upside Down hence the name of this post to my blog. This has been one of my favorite songs since the mid 1980s. Many people have espoused service to others, but the service that Jesus honors is that which is done simply because it should be done, or because it is done in His Name. We must ask ourselves, "Am I doing this to get a reward, to be recognized, or just because it needs to be done?" Those who serve to get recognition, have their reward when the get the recognition. Those who serve to bring glory to Christ, or to receive honor only from Christ, will get their reward when they meet Him face to face. We all have the potential to be pigs (people who look out for their own interests first). But we also all have the potential to look out for others first. The world tells us to look out for number one (meaning ourselves), but Jesus says to look out for others first. Matthew 6:33 says to "Seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." This means that God will take care of us, and meet our needs, if we will put Him, and His Kingdom (serving others) as the priority in our lives.

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